How to play games on PlayStation

If you've been wondering how to enjoy PlayStation eSports games, there are a few things that you should know. You can download and install games from USB storage devices and play them on the console. You can also use the quick menu to send messages to friends. There's a PlayStation 3 app that will help you get started. This application also allows you to share your screen with others. So, if you've got a friend with a PlayStation, you can play the same game together.

After downloading the games, you can sign in to your friend's PlayStation and play them. You will need to deactivate your PlayStation and make theirs the primary console. This will allow you to exchange digital game libraries. It's easy to switch between the two devices and the games will be automatically downloaded onto the new PS4 hard drive. You don't have to sign in to your friend's PlayStation. After you've signed in, you can now start playing each other's PlayStations.

You can also share your library with friends. This allows you to play your games with your friend in real-time. You'll need to connect both PS4s with gameshare. You'll need to have the same main account on each console. Once you've done this, you can share the screen. You'll need to have a PlayStation Plus membership, but you'll be able to play full games.


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